- Complete the notes and overlay drawing on pages 6 and 7 of your body book
- Complete the pulse lab - to be done with the class, completing data entries on page 459 of your textbook
- Sign in to brainpop using your account you created after "sciencerocksperiod__". Watch the circulatory video, then complete a "make-a-map" for the system. If you need help, let us know. Once you are done, it allows you to submit to your teacher.
- Sign in to brainpop - view the video on the heart then complete the graphic organizer and submit/print your answers to your google drive printer. (see us for help)
- Sign in to brainpop - watch the blood video and submit the required activity.
- Sign in to Explore Learning and complete the activity titled "Circulatory System". Your login was your SBISD user and password. (if you have not already created an account, you need to see us for the enrollment code).
- Read page 450 of your textbook. Write a paragraph on the entry form (found underneath the heart below this list) which explains why valves are important and how they help blood flow.
- Sign in to Brainpop - watch the video on Blood Types and then review/complete the Question and Answer section. There is a place to enter your observations on the entry form (found below)
- Using this link, view how blood flows and how our circulatory system works. Click "done" when complete.
- Go to "Khan Academy / blood in the heart". When complete, enter your score on the entry form and click submit.